Monday, May 17, 2010

The Contemporvant Service

Like most viral videos seeking to make a point, this one has its supporters and detractors. Some call it a brilliant parody while others are deeply offended by its supposed slap in the face at churches targeting unbelievers. I tend to side with the first group, and I think there are a few things we can learn from it.


Unknown said...

If Pentecostalism and Eastern Orthodox could combine, I think we'd see a church that reflects the New Testament much better.

Unknown said...

without a service that's centered on the Eucharist or culminating in the Eucharist. the service won't be Trinitarian and its partly because of the Eucharistic liturgies the church has followed. that is the simplicity of christian worship! Hence, they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42 Calvin's service, like the 'purity' of the Roman church service climaxed int he Eucharist celebration and it's very apparent that the NT Church also did the same.

So the first step for worship is to have a service that is Eucharistic. The service by nature will be Christ centered like the west has emphasized and trinitarian.

Unknown said...

Too funny...

and yet very sad